Type | Summary |
DataModelExtensions | Helper extensions for work with IDataModels. |
DataPropertyDisplayMetadataProvider | Creates a display metadata bases in DataProperty attribute data. |
Editor | Editor defines a generic model for a CRUD web editor including the data model and aditional properties. |
HeaderAttribute | Sets a ViewData["Header"] value for an action or controller. |
HttpExtensions | Extensions methods for Http related objects. |
MainMenuActiveItemAttribute | Stores the Id of the active main menu item with in a ViewData key. |
NoCacheAttribute | Disable caching for a controller or action. |
PathAttribute | Sets a ViewData["Path"] value for an action or controller. |
ViewResultExtensions | Helper extensions for view results. |
Type | Summary |
AuthApiAttribute | Configures the roles required to access an api controller or action. |
AuthApiRoleRequirementFilter | An AuthorizationFilter that sets a StatusCodeResult when the user is not authorized. |
AuthMvcAttribute | Configures the roles required to access a controller or action. |
AuthMvcRoleRequirementFilter | An AuthorizationFilter that sets a ViewResult when the user is not authorized. |
Type | Summary |
DataModelModelBinder | Binds a complex model and initializes the properties configured within the application context. |
DataModelModelBinderProvider | An IModelBinderProvider that provides a model binder for IDataModel objects. |
DecimalModelBinder | An IModelBinder for Decimal and Nullable`1
where T is Decimal. |
DecimalModelBinderProvider | An IModelBinderProvider for binding Decimal and it Nullable`1 wrappers. |
Type | Summary |
LabelForRequiredTagHelper | ITagHelper implementation targeting <label> elements with an asp-for-required attribute. |
SpanHintTagHelper | ITagHelper implementation targeting <span> elements with an asp-hint-for attribute. |