Type | Summary |
ArgumentNullOrEmptyException | Thrown when a required argument is null or empty. |
ConfigurationFinder | Provides methods to help find .json configuration files like settings.json. |
ConfigurationOptionAttribute | Allows to mark a property that is filled with configuration information. |
EventNotSupportedException | Thrown when trying to access a non-supported event. |
FrameworkException | This is the root class for application exceptions. |
HashExtensions | Extension methods for hashing strings and byte arrays. |
IListItem | Represents an item of a list. |
ItemProcessFlag | A flag to control the process state of an item. |
LanguageExtensions | Provides for commons language types. |
ListItem | Default implementation of IListItem. |
Localization | Models localization text to be stored. |
LocalizationCollection | A collection of Localization. |
MethodNotSupportedException | Thrown when trying to access a non-supported method. |
MissingRequiredPropertyException | Thrown when a required property was not initialized. |
NofMProgressEventArgs | Argument for N of M progress report events. |
NofMProgressEventHandler | Event that reports a process progress as a N of M items. |
PercentageProgressEventArgs | Argument for percentage progress report events. |
PercentageProgressEventHandler | Event that reports a process progress as a percentage. |
ProcessResult | Defines the results for actions or processes taken by applications. |
PropertyNotSupportedException | Thrown when trying to access a non-supported property. |
ResourcesExtensions | Provides extension method related to localization resources functionality. |
TypeDescriptionAttribute | TypeDescriptionAttribute is used for descripting a type for an application UI. |
Util | Provides utility functions for the framework. |
Type | Summary |
ApplicationContext | Interface for the application context. |
ApplicationContextRegistration | Provides a way to register application context packages and factories. |
ContextConfigurationException | Thrown when a configuration error is detected. |
ContextException | The base class for exceptions that are thrown from the application context sub-system. |
ContextObjectAssemblyLoadException | Thrown the the Assembly of an application context object could not be loaded. |
DependencyInjectionException | Thrown when an instance of an application context object could not be dependecy injected. |
EncryptedFileSystemXmlObjectFactory | Implements an IObjectFactory that reads the application context from an encrypted XML file. |
FileSystemXmlObjectFactory | Implements an IObjectFactory that reads the application context from an XML file. |
InstanceCreationException | Thrown when an instance of an application context object could not be created. |
IObjectFactory | Allows the implementation of object factories used to create application context objects. |
IPackage | Allows the implementation of application software packages. |
IRuntimeDependencyInjector | Allows the implementation of classes that inject a runtime calculated dependency. |
ManifestResourceXmlObjectFactory | Implements an IObjectFactory that reads the application context from embedded resources. |
NoSuchFactoryException | Thrown when a required object factory was not found. |
NoSuchObjectException | Thrown when an object is required and no definition is found for that object. |
NoSuchPackageException | Thrown when the required package was not found in the application context. |
ObjectFactory | Implements a generic IObjectFactory. |
ObjectNotOfRequiredTypeException | Thrown when an object required is not of the type required. |
Package | Default software package representation. |
PackageAssemblyLoadException | Thrown when the assembly for a software package could not be loaded. |
PropertyType | Defines the type of properties that can be configured for application context objects. |
TypeNotFoundException | Thrown when a context object type cannot be found into an assembly. |
Type | Summary |
ApplicationContextOptions | Application context configuration options. |
ConfigurationDocumentService | Provides services for load and validate configuration documents. |
ObjectConfiguration | Configuration of an application context object. |
ObjectDelegate | Configuration of an object delegate (Event). |
ObjectProperty | Configuration of an object property. |
PackageConfiguration | Models the configuration of an application context package. |
RuntimeInjectorConfiguration | Configuration for a runtime dependency injector. |
Type | Summary |
DiagnosticsConstants | Defines constants used for diagnostics |
DiagnosticsException | Base exception for diagnostics errors. |
DiagnosticsExtensions | Provides extensions for diagnostics. |
EventId | Event identification. |
ILogger | Allows the implementation of a logger. |
LogEntry | An entry to be logged. |
Logger | Facade for writing a log entry to one or more trace targets. |
LogLevel | Defines the level of log entries. |
LogTarget | Provides tracing services through a set of TraceTargets. |
LogWriter | This class routes log messages to LogTargets based on categories. |
LogWriterFactory | Factory to create LogWriter instances. |
LogWriterProvider | Allows the implementation of an insertion point within applications that creates a LogWriter. |
Type | Summary |
Diagnostics | Diagnostics configuration options. |
Formatter | Allows the configuration of ILogFormatters. |
LogTarget | Allows the configuration of LogTargets. |
TraceTarget | Allows the configuration of ITraceTargets. |
Type | Summary |
ILogFormatter | Allows the implementation of log formatters. |
LogFormatter | This base class for LogFormatters implements default funcionality required by a log formatter. |
TextLogFormatter | Formats a LogEntry to be printed as text. |
Type | Summary |
ConsoleTraceTarget | A ITraceTarget that writes LogEntrys to Console. |
FlatFileTraceTarget | A TraceTarget that writes log messages to text files. |
ITraceTarget | Allows the implementation of trace targets for writing log entries. |
TraceTarget | Abstract base class for implementing Trace Targets. |
Type | Summary |
IMessageService | Allows the implementation of messaging services. |
Message | A message to be send by a messaging service. |
SendException | Thrown by a message service when an error occured while sending a message. |
SmtpMessageService | Implements an IMessageService that send messages through e-mail. |
Type | Summary |
INavigationProvider | Allows the implementation of a provider that returns Navigation objects. |
Navigation | Models navigation information |
NavigationConfigurationException | Thown when navigation configuration errors are detected. |
NavigationConfigurationService | Implements a service that scans the application context packages for navigation configuration and constructs a Navigation model. |
NavigationException | Thrown when an error occured into de navigation sub-system. |
NavigationItem | Models an item of the navigation sub-system. |
NavigationItemKind | Define the diferent kinds of navigation items. |
NavigationNotFoundException | Thrown when a navigation configuration could'nt be found. |
NavigationProvider | Default navigation provider. |
Type | Summary |
IParameter | Allows the implementation of a class that represents a configuration parameter. |
IParameterOptionsProvider | Allows the implementation of an option provider for parameter edition. |
IParameterProvider | Allows the implementation of parameter providers. |
IParameterService | Allows the implementation of a parameter service. |
IParameterStore | Allows the implementation of a store for parameters |
IParameterTreeNode | Allows the implementation of a tree structure for configuration parameters. |
IParameterValueValidator | Allows the implementation of a class that validates a parameter value. |
Parameter | Default IParameter implementation. |
ParameterConfiguration | Defines the configuration of a parameter. |
ParameterConfigurationException | Thrown when parameter configuration errors are detected. |
ParameterConfigurationService | Implements a service that scans the application context packages for parameter configuration and construct a parameter configuration tree to by used by a IParameterProvider. |
ParameterDoesNotExistException | Thrown when a parameter does not exist. |
ParameterException | This is the base exception for parameter related erros. |
ParameterInitializationException | Thrown when an error occurs while initializing the parameter infrastructure. |
ParameterInjector | Allows the application context to inject configuration parameter into context objects. |
ParameterProvider | Default parameter provider. |
ParameterService | Default service for getting/setting configuration parameters. |
ParameterTreeNode | A node of the parameter tree. |
ParameterType | Defines the supported parameter types. |
ParameterValueValidationException | Thrown when the value for a parameter is not valid. |
StaticParameterOptionsProvider | Implements an IParameterOptionsProvider that reads the options from the parameter Xml configuration document. To configure, add s to the optionsProvider node. |
WrongParameterTypeException | Thrown when requested a wrong type for a particular parameter. |
Type | Summary |
BagAttribute | Marks a class as a PropertyBag. |
IPropertyBag | A marker interface for property bag objects. |
PropertyAttribute | Marks a property as a property bag property. |
PropertyDataType | Defines the data types for properties. |
Type | Summary |
IRoleProvider | Allows the implementation of a provider that return application Roles. |
PrincipalExtensions | Extensión for principal an identity. |
Role | A Role definition for privileges assignment. |
SecurityException | This is the framework root class for security exceptions. |
SecurityHelpers | Provides generic methods for security. |
Type | Summary |
AsymmetricCryptographer | Asymmetric cryptographic utilities. |
AsymmetricKeyNotFoundException | Thrown when an asymmetric key could not fe found. |
Cryptographer | Facade which exposes common cryptography uses. |
CryptographyException | Thrown when an error occured during a cryptographic operation. |
CryptographyUtility | Common cryptography methods. |
DefaultSymmetricKeyGenerator | Creates a key for the SymmetricCryptographer that use an initializator vector of 16 bytes and a key of 32 bytes based on two provided keys. |
FileSystemAsymmetricKeyStore | An IAsymmetricKeyStore that read the key from the file system. |
HashCryptographer | A hash provider for any hash algorithm which derives from HashAlgorithm. |
HashProviderFactory | HashProviderFactory implements a class factory for hash providers. |
IAsymmetricKeyStore | Allows implementation of a store for asymmetric keys. |
IHashProvider | A contract for any provider for hash implementations. |
IKeyGenerator | IKeyGenerator allows the implementation of classes that generates encryption keys for symmetric algorithm. |
ISymmetricProvider | A contract for any provider for symmetric cryptographic implementations. |
RsaKey | Models a RSA key for serialization. |
RsaKeyJsonConverter | A converter that for a RsaKey that write all RSAParameters properties. |
SymmetricCryptographer | Represents basic cryptography services for a SymmetricAlgorithm. |
SymmetricKeyNotFoundException | Thrown when the required symmetric key was not found. |
SymmetricProviderFactory | SymmetricProviderFactory implements a class factory for symmetric cryptographers. |
Type | Summary |
CryptographyOptions | Cryptography configuration options. |
Type | Summary |
DictionaryToken | Formats a dictionary token by iterating through the dictionary and display de key and value for each entry. |
TokenFunction | Provides default algorithm for cutting and formatting tokens |
In this document