Kpok Doc Tool

Kpok Doc Tool is an extension form Azure DevOps and Azure DevOps Server that configured within a build pipeline, automatically generate technical documentation for software products.

A example of the generated documentation can be found here. This is the technical documentation of the Kpok Patagon Framework automatically generated with this tool.


This tool is added as a task within a build pipeline after the build task (in order to get the XML documentation generated first) and configured to generate and/or validate the documentation.

Configuration options

Assembly list
A comma separated list of assemblies to build the documentation of. Wilcard characters are allows and .dll and .exe files can be pointed to. The documentation will be built if the corresponding XML documentation file is found.
KET Source paths
A comma separated list of paths where Kpok Entity Tool models will be looked from. If models are found, documentation for them will be generated.
Validation mode

Configures how documentation validation will be performed. All public and protected "summaries" on types, methods, properties, KET models, etc. are required and will generate errors if left blank. Settings options will add more requirements to the validation process.

  • WarnMethodArguments: (default) generates warnings if method arguments are empty but no warning is generated if all of them are empty
  • ErrorOnMethodArguments: generates errors if any method argument is empty.
  • ErrorOnTypeRemarks: generates errors if type remarks are empty.
  • ErrorOnTypeExample: generates errors if type examples are empty.
  • NoValidate: Disables documentation validation.
Select the culture to generate the documentation. Titles will be generated in the specified culture, information from XML documentation files will not be changed. Only en-US (default) and es-AR are supported.
HTML path
Root path where HTML documentation will be generated.
Markdown path
Root path where markdown documentation will be generated.
Project title
A title for the documentation project.
Build number
A build number to be written in documentation.
Home url
The URL of the documentation home page.
Project description
A description for the documentation project.