Models the result of a filter operation used for list data on pages.
Default constructor
public Void Listing()
true if the user filter must be clean.
public Boolean Clear { get; set; }
Whether there is a filter form configured (true if it has Terms).
public Boolean HasFilterForm { get; }
Whether there are terms that must be applied.
public Boolean HasFilterSet { get; }
Whether there are static terms.
public Boolean HasStaticTerms { get; }
Whether the listing is paged.
public Boolean IsPaged { get; }
Maximum items to be returned when a filter is applied.
public Int32 MaxFilteredItemsCount { get; set; }
Maximum items to be returned.
public Int32 MaxItemsCount { get; set; }
Number of the page to list or beeing listed.
public Int32 Page { get; set; }
Maximum items on each page.
public Int32 PageLength { get; set; }
Currently selected model ID.
public String SelectedId { get; set; }
List of static terms that must me applied to the data.
public List<StaticTerm> StaticTerms { get; set; }
How the different terms are matched.
public MatchKind TermsMatching { get; set; }
Total number of ítems with the static filter (if any) applied.
public Int32 TotalItems { get; set; }
Total number of items with user filter (if any) applied.
public Int32 TotalItemsFiltered { get; set; }