Page information of a paged listing.
Initializes a new instance of PageInfo.
public Void PageInfo(page, pageLength, itemsCount, totalItems, totalItemsFiltered)
Name | Type | Summary |
page | Int32 | Current page number. |
pageLength | Int32 | Length of the page. |
itemsCount | Int32 | Items count. |
totalItems | Int32 | Total quantity of items. |
totalItemsFiltered | Int32 | Total quantity of items filtered. |
First number of item.
public Int32 From { get; }
Whether the listing is paged.
public Boolean IsPaged { get; }
Items count.
public Int32 ItemsCount { get; set; }
Current page number.
public Int32 Page { get; set; }
Page count.
public Int32 PageCount { get; }
Length of the page.
public Int32 PageLength { get; set; }
Whether all items is beeing shown.
public Boolean ShowingAll { get; }
Last number of item.
public Int32 To { get; }
Total quantity of items.
public Int32 TotalItems { get; set; }
Total quantity of items filtered.
public Int32 TotalItemsFiltered { get; set; }
Returns a textual representation of this PageInfo.
public String ToString()