Tenant implements a data model for tenants information.
Default constructor
public Void Tenant()
Initializes a new instance of Tenant.
public Void Tenant(id)
Name | Type | Summary |
id | Int32 | Tenant Id. |
Culture name.
public String Culture { get; set; }
The name of the database that this tenant use.
public String DatabaseName { get; set; }
Database password.
public String DatabasePassword { get; set; }
Database server ID.
public String DatabaseServerId { get; set; }
Database user name.
public String DatabaseUserName { get; set; }
Display name of this tenant.
public String DisplayName { get; set; }
Primary tenant's e-mail.
public String Email { get; set; }
Gets whether the model validation must be enforced.
public Boolean EnforceModelValidation { get; }
Tenant Id.
public Int32 Id { get; set; }
Address from which mails are sent.
public String MailFromAddress { get; set; }
Display name for sending address.
public String MailFromName { get; set; }
Mail server ID.
public String MailServerId { get; set; }
The name or code of the tenant.
public String Name { get; set; }
Protocol that identify this object.
public String Protocol { get; }
Localized caption for this object.
public String ProtocolCaption { get; }
State of tenant provisioning.
public ProvisionState ProvisionState { get; set; }
Ring number.
public Int32 Ring { get; set; }
State of tenant subscription
public SubscriptionState SubscriptionState { get; set; }
A comment about the subscription state.
public String SubscriptionStateComment { get; set; }
Trial duration in days.
public Nullable<Int32> TrialDurationInDays { get; set; }
Date and time that the trial period ends or ended.
public DateTime TrialEndsUtc { get; set; }
Date and time that the trial period has started.
public DateTime TrialStartedUtc { get; set; }
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
public Boolean Equals(other)
Name | Type | Summary |
other | Tenant | The object to compare this object to. |
Indicates whether the current object is equal to the obj object.
public Boolean Equals(obj)
Name | Type | Summary |
obj | Object | The object to compare this object to. |
Serves as the default hash function.
public Int32 GetHashCode()
Loads an instance of the Tenant identified by identification.
public Object GetObject(identification)
Name | Type | Summary |
identification | Identification | Tenant identification. |
Type | Summary |
ArgumentNullException | Thrown when identification is null. |
FrameworkException | Thrown when the protocol does not match. |
Loads an instance of the Tenant identified by identification.
public Task<Object> GetObjectAsync(identification)
Name | Type | Summary |
identification | Identification | Tenant identification. |
Type | Summary |
ArgumentNullException | Thrown when identification is null. |
FrameworkException | Thrown when the protocol does not match. |
Initializes a new instance of Tenant and loads it data from the underlaying repository.
public Tenant Load(id)
Name | Type | Summary |
id | Int32 | Object Id. |
Initializes a new instance of Tenant and loads it data from the underlaying repository asyncronously.
public Task<Tenant> LoadAsync(id)
Name | Type | Summary |
id | Int32 | The identification of the object. |
Returns a textual representation of the Tenant.
public String ToString()
Checks whether the object is valid for saving.
public Void Validate()
Type | Summary |
ValidationException | Thrown when the object is not valid. |
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